Not a cyclist?
There are still lots of ways to join in Rock to Rock, and support
an important cause!
Are you sure you don't want to ride?
You don't need to be a serious cyclist to take to the road. Our family ride route is really flat, and designed for bikers from age 3 to 93. We take it slow, and take two rest stops along the way.
You don't even need a bicycle. Some local bike stores rent bikes.
We need volunteers!
It takes a lot of people to make Rock to Rock run, and many of them aren't on bikes. Learn all the ways to lend a hand.
Support one of our riders
Most of the funds we raise through Rock to Rock come through people who choose to make a donation to one of our organizations. Go to the Partner Organization page to find an organization you want to support!
Just make a donation!
When you make a donation, you're helping Rock to Rock run -- and supporting the work of the Rock to Rock organizing partners. Click here to donate.
Join in the fun at East Rock Green Fair
Rock to Rock ends in a big celebration at East Rock Park from 11-1pm on event day. Join us for a food truck rodeo, great live music, and a green fair where you can learn how to get involved in all the Rock to Rock partner organizations.